


Skull of Legends

A fine-boned elven skull carved and fitted so as to be worn as a helmet.  When misidentified, appears to be the skull of some legendary leader and a token of good luck.  While bearing the Skull, when you take the life of someone who has mocked you or belittled you, mark experience.  When you make grandiose claims to an NPC about your own abilities, roll+CHA.  On a hit, you can use your claims as leverage when parleying.  On a 10+, take +1forward too.  On a miss, you are nothing and everyone knows it.  Take -1ongoing until you prove yourself.

Thoughts on improvement?  In possession of a Lawful Paladin.

2 thoughts on “#MagicItemMonday”

  1. New version:

    Skull of Legends

    A fine-boned elven skull carved and fitted so as to be worn as a helmet.  When misidentified, appears to be the skull of some legendary leader and a token of good luck.  While bearing the Skull:  When someone mocks or belittles you, roll+WIS.  On a 10+, hold 3.  On a 7-9, hold 1.  Spend your hold one for one and shout something awful to take +1 against their foul tongue.  On a miss,  nothing is more important than humbling the person who despoiled your reputation; deal half damage to everyone but them until you end them or make them apologize.  When you take the life of someone who has mocked you or belittled you, mark experience.  When you make grandiose claims to an NPC about your greatness, roll+CHA.  On a hit, you can use your claims as leverage when parleying.  On a 10+, take +1forward too.  On a miss, you are nothing and everyone knows it.  Take -1ongoing until you prove yourself.

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