Probably my last Compendium Class for #DruidWeek

Probably my last Compendium Class for #DruidWeek

Probably my last Compendium Class for #DruidWeek  

Feel free to suggest additional stuff, the CC works like that but could be better. I was mostly inspired by Mouse Guards weather watching system and the weather watcher move someone posted. Then i added a bit of X-Men and taadaa:  

6 thoughts on “Probably my last Compendium Class for #DruidWeek”

  1. how about Weather Ward? I stumbled over the term windward and though it sounded awesome. then i realised it was a nautical term… Wind Ward would work too but it’s not only about wind but weahter in general. That’s why storm-born, while cool also doesn’t really work. 

    So – weather ward?

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