Here’s my second playbook based on Folktale creatures, The Giant!
Originally shared by Adrian Thoen
The Giant – A Dungeon World Playbook
“Fee, Fie, Foe, Fum! I smell the blood of a Smallfolk man!”
Oh the funny little tales the smallfolk tell about you. Little worlds about small deeds, their tiny mouth incapable of truly describing you and your deeds properly. Puny words like brute, thug, beast cannot do you or your heritage justice.
Your people have a duty that goes back into times the smallfolk can only describe as legend. Your heritage is a great part of you, it gives you your magic, your appearance, and your solemn duty. You may be a builder, a grower, a protector, or a balancer. With your magic and your size, you carry out your duty with implacable stoicism.
The Giant is a Playbook designed for use with Dungeon World and Inverse World. As The Giant, you will be towering over smallfolk, lifting great burdens, and using your heritage magic in the service of the age-old Duty handed to your people in the distant past.
The Giant uses Drives and Aspects instead of Alignment and Race, an exciting new way to describe your character!
Drives and Aspects are an exciting new look at Dungeon world classes that comes from the creators of inverse World, the upcoming book that will have a unique setting for use with Dungeon World. Keep your eyes open for Inverse World!
Starting Moves
Larger Than Life
Your large size gives you both advantages and disadvantages. When you bring your size and strength to bear against a problem, roll +Str. *On a 10+, you choose 2 Actions and the GM chooses 2 Consequences. *On a 7-9, you choose 1 Action, and the GM chooses 3 consequences:
You send someone or something of your choice flying
You deal your damage
You crush or smash an item or object of your choice
You pick up someone or something the size of a human
You clear an obstacle with a great leap or stride
You make an opening that was too small just large enough
Your surroundings are damaged by your actions
Someone you don’t want harmed is put in danger
Something important is knocked out of reach or damaged
you lose your footing or get stuck
you are attacked, or suffer damage from the environment
You draw unwanted attention to yourself or others
Heritage Magic
When you call on your Heritage Magic to fulfill your people’s Duty, roll +Con. *On a 10+, your magic bolsters your action substantially. On a 7-9, it helps, but choose 2.
It’s effects aren’t as powerful as you intended
It’s effects won’t last as long as you wanted
You’ve had to sacrifice something valuable
It is normally very hard for you to hide due to your size. When you stay perfectly still in an environment linked to your Heritage, you blend in and others look right past you.
Unusual Diet
Choose a commonly found resource: Wood, Ice, or Stone. When there is a plentiful supply of your food source nearby, you don’t need to consume a ration when making camp. When there isn’t a plentiful supply of your preferred food nearby, you eat one of your rations, and someone else’s too!
Choose either Enduring Atlas or Hurl to start with. You may take the other as an advanced move when you level up:
Enduring Atlas
When you push yourself beyond your limits to lift the impossible, roll+Con. *On a hit, you lift it. *On a 10+, choose 1. *On a 7-9, choose 2:
The strain harms you, take D4 damage
You are vulnerable to attack
You can’t hold it for long…
When you pick up and throw something or someone, roll+Str. *On a 10+, it lands where you intended. *On a 7-9, the GM chooses 1:
It lands awkwardly
You or an ally is vulnerable
You threw it too soft, or too hard!
How does heritage magic work?
Good Question!
Since you’re a Giant already, instead of choosing a Race, you choose a Heritage. Each Heritage has certain actions, responsibilities, and domains associated with it.
When you act in accordance with one or more of these aspects of your Heritage you can call on your magic to do something cool.
The Treekin could make plants grow suddenly to block or trap someone, or help a starving village. The Mountain Giant could reinfoce a castle wall to stop ballistae or catapaults from smashing it. The Bridge Troll could create a magical ward that kept undead out of a house or village. A Jotun could make it snow, or dampen out a fire. It’s a pretty powerful narrative ability since it encourages imaginative use.
You carry a duty as old as your people. Choose the Duty you have inherited from your people:
Treekin – Growth & New Life
You hail from the fertile Hills and Steppes. Your Heritage Magic can make plants grow suddenly and well beyond their normal size.
Mountain Giant – Construction & Protection
You are born of sturdy mountain stone. Your Heritage Magic can help build or reinforce structures out of stone and wood to withstand incredible force.
Bridge Troll – Guarding & Impeding
You are a guardian and protector of places and people. Your Heritage Magic can block the progress of someone or something until they have paid the price or met your demands.
Jotun – Inevitability & Enduring
You are a creature of Ice and Snow. Your Heritage Magic can freeze water and chill even the hottest of fires.