A design sketch for PC Breath Weapons in DW. It is kinda based on the Signature Weapon. What do you think?

A design sketch for PC Breath Weapons in DW. It is kinda based on the Signature Weapon. What do you think?

A design sketch for PC Breath Weapons in DW. It is kinda based on the Signature Weapon. What do you think? 

It’s supposed to go on a comp class with the “when you consume a dragons heart” entry condition.

8 thoughts on “A design sketch for PC Breath Weapons in DW. It is kinda based on the Signature Weapon. What do you think?”

  1. Now I want to create a series of CCs all about uncovering your draconic heritage as well as a PC race option for Kobold. Hey Tim, wanna help me throw together the Dragonomicon?

  2. Ahem, I seriously brought this up like three months ago-wanting to do the exact same thing and I got maybe one person who expressed interest. So if this is happening, I want in too. I can’t help that I disgorge original content with a pace on par to Tim’s.

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