Started up a more Urban game of Dungeon World. I’m going to keep a log of it on my Blog. The first post is mostly info on our experience with starting the game (our first time with *World) and creating the setting. More to come.
Started up a more Urban game of Dungeon World.
Started up a more Urban game of Dungeon World.
Cool read! I’m curious to see how this plays out!
Cool to see another group doing an urban campaign (play report forthcoming). I feel like the grounding nature of inter-city adventure makes for excellent character drama.
Colter Hanna I agree completely.
Very cool! Are you guys going to create any special moves for political interactions and stuff like that or are you going to just let parley do all the heavy lifting throughout?
For now it has been Parley (not much intrigue yet). But that might change. I already wanted a move for dealing with the Guilds where you get +10s or +100s of Coins Spent (so 200 coins is +2) Illustrate the bribe aspect.
As we get deeper into the game I am going to explore custom moves some. I’ll be sure to include those in any write ups I do.