For tonight’s session, I created a monster on the fly, not really writing up its move.

For tonight’s session, I created a monster on the fly, not really writing up its move.

For tonight’s session, I created a monster on the fly, not really writing up its move. I’m now trying to retroactively codify the creature. It was the corpulent bone harvester that redirected the PCs teleportation ritual (the backstory) to its lair.

Corpulent Bone Harvester

Magical, Devious, Intelligent, Large, Solitary, Terrifying

16 HP, 1d10+1, Armor 1


With rolls of skin slowly calcifying into bleached bones, breath that wreaks of death and decay, and teeth perfect for grinding bones to meal, the corpulent bone harvester is an abomination.

Instincts: to collect and devour bones

– Corrode flesh with a breath

– Draw souls to it

– Pin under crushing weight

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