I finally had a free minute and I did a version of Number Appearing with only text by taking out the art (except the…

I finally had a free minute and I did a version of Number Appearing with only text by taking out the art (except the…

I finally had a free minute and I did a version of Number Appearing with only text by taking out the art (except the banner and maps). You can get it here:


Since this has been CC-BY the whole time anyone else could have done this at any time so I don’t feel bad for letting it out into the wild. Plus I reckon the missing Ed Heil russ nicholson Michael Wight etc art is damn good, so there is still a backer advantage.

Once Adam Koebel or Sage LaTorra let me know they think enough time has passed since the Kickstarter we’ll post the whole thing with the art somewhere convenient.