11 thoughts on “Going to run a DW game at a con in a few days.”

  1. If it’s a macguffin then it’s not necessary that anybody knows what it does, but everyone still knows that they have to have it! Of course, there are rumors.  Some say that when the bowl of the moondial is filled with deep spring water and a bead of quicksilver is floated upon it that anything that happens under the light of the moon, now, then or years hence, is revealed.

  2. Who hired you to bring them the Moondial?

    Why is the Moondial important to your god?

    Why has your order deemed that the Moondial must be destroyed?

    Why do you feel you have an ancestral claim to the Moondial?

    Ask one question to each player until you have only one player left whom you have not asked.

  3. Yep, the very definition of a MacGuffin is that what it is or what it does is besides the point. One of the best pop culture examples is the briefcase in “Pulp Fiction.”

  4. You didn’t think the moon turned on its own do you? Turning it either turns the moon to a new orientation or makes the moon go round the world and controls the tides…

  5. The moondial controls the moon’s traversal of the sky, and consequently the tides. In the wrong hands, the moondial could be used to flood a continent or empty a sea. If the moondial is destroyed the moon may fall out of the sky and smash into the world.

  6. Thanks one and all!  Macguffin was maybe the wrong word then – it’s what they’re sent to retrieve   Of course if they do find it and decide they want to try it out it needs to do something interesting.

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