I had a flash of insight this weekend.

I had a flash of insight this weekend.

I had a flash of insight this weekend. I’d been reading a trade paperback of “Dr. McNinja” comics, and it occurred to me that DW’s monster creation process hews to McNinja’s “Inverse Ninja Law.” (“One ninja is an elite and powerful adversary. Multiple ninjas make a group of faceless and incompetent pawns.”) Granted that DW monsters aren’t necessarily faceless or incompetent, but it’s true that the more of something there are, the less powerful they are, all other things being equal.

Nothing more to say except that this realization amused me greatly.

3 thoughts on “I had a flash of insight this weekend.”

  1. Oh, absolutely. It’s the same dramatic convention that McNinja turned into a satirical “law.” If there’s a horde of something, they’re meant to go down like punks so as to demonstrate the awesomeness of the protagonists. Also, because an army of badasses would just crush the good guys like grapes.

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