A Compendium Class for lovers of mystic black cats, shoulder-dragons, and wily companion ferrets.

A Compendium Class for lovers of mystic black cats, shoulder-dragons, and wily companion ferrets.

A Compendium Class for lovers of mystic black cats, shoulder-dragons, and wily companion ferrets.

Originally shared by Sabe Jones

Created for a player in my Dungeon World game tonight:

Compendium Class: Greymalkin

When you befriend and name a small animal during your adventures, you may take this move when you level up:

Bonded Familiar: You may write Bonds with your animal friend. Create one immediately upon taking this move. While you maintain at least one Bond with an animal, you can converse with it: you speak plainly and it understands you, and its meows or chirps or grumbles are mystically translated into language in your mind. If the animal undertakes a task for you that triggers a move requiring an attribute roll, it rolls +the number of Bonds you have with it in place of the modifier normally used.

Once you’ve taken Bonded Familiar, the following moves count as class moves for you. You may also choose from this list whenever you level up:

Witching Whelp: If your familiar rests with you while you Commune or Prepare Spells, it may memorize one spell of its own from your list, of a level up to your level – 2.

The Critter Who Walks Through Walls: Your familiar is transformed into a creature of spirit and shadow. It can become insubstantial for a few minutes at a time, and if killed, it melts away into ethereal energy only to return to health by your side the next time you Make Camp or Recover.

Opinionated Pet: Anyone who can hear the familiar’s vocalizations understands it as speech, not just you.

9 thoughts on “A Compendium Class for lovers of mystic black cats, shoulder-dragons, and wily companion ferrets.”

  1. Our Wizard’s familiar Ginger the cat has been in play for a couple of levels now, and it’s great fun! One ambiguity we ran into was the question of whether a familiar without the Opinionated Pet move could understand speech other than its master’s; we ruled yes, but other groups/GMs could decide differently, I’d think.

  2. Yes, definitely–I’ve had a lot of fun with it. The text is not as clear as I’d like and the layout isn’t fancy, but it’s playable!

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