So how does a Paladin work in the game?

So how does a Paladin work in the game?

So how does a Paladin work in the game? 

How much questing do you do/who often is a quest “resolved”?

Can i come into the first session and quest to slay the black dessert Dragon Malofarx? Does he become canon just like this? 

7 thoughts on “So how does a Paladin work in the game?”

  1. Note that just because you created Malofarx just like that, that doesn’t mean he’s going to show up right away. You have pretty much guaranteed that he’s going to show up at some point, though.

  2. I’ve been playing a paladin for a while and haven’t quested yet.  It seems like something I should be doing all the time but either, A) there isn’t anything quite epic enough to warrant a question (e.g. Excuse me, I need to go ritually cleanse so that I can proclaim to my god that I’m going to go investigate that noise over by those crates) or, B) The action comes on too strong to take the time to initiate the quest.

  3. Either you can work with the GM to work out a way for an Epic quest, or you could go to the other, opposite, extreme: every event is a quest. Town attacked by orcs? “I swear by my god that I will hunt down these orcs and slay them all!” Old wizard need some spell components? “By my life, I will find them or die!” 

    The short one-shots I did at GenCon had people questing to save the beer which had been stole by orcs…

    Keep in mind, with the shorter quests, I might be more strict with interpreting the restrictions placed on the paladin in her quest.

  4. Due to a small mishap with a dragon a one-armed-one-eyed fighter I know wanders around all Tange Sazen style, with a shortsword strapped to her back and a giant claymore you can’t wield one handed.  Whenever she’s fighting normal folks she tends to just one-armed-short-sword them.  But whenever something supernatural shows up, she Oaths up to the Great Hunter (multiclass move) and an eye and arm of golden-white fire appear (marks of her god) and she draws that claymore and goes to town.

    I’d say this happens once a session or so.  Depends on the story.

  5. Hi, I’m playing a level-3 Paladin, Valeria, and I played three session. For the first two sessions I had a mission concerning an extra-planar portal to find (we agreed as a group on the first quest theme and I chose the quest accordingly).

    In session three I resolved the first quest and, following the fiction, I have new things to do, like preventing an extra-planar undead invasion, so during a camp I prayed for a new quest on that.

    In the demo I did this summer, I also played a Paladin and chose a quest on my own, and the GM followed after. In another demo I was a Bard but there was a Paladin; the player chose a quest on his own and the GM followed it.

    Based on these, I think the Paladin quest is a strong flag the players should follow. You can use it either following the fiction or as a starting point for a new adventure.

    Basically, when you use it you also create canon, the only thing to remember is you can’t contradict preexisting fiction.

  6. I’ve always interpreted Paladin quests as a monster of the week schematic. You get credit if you foil their horrible schemes, and it might look as if the villain has perished, but you can always count on their glorious return.

    Or in other words, to treat major quest personalities as persistent fronts, as per Monsterhearts.

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